Hassan’s works are seeded by an aleatory act of painting, from where raw data is selected as complete yet disordered information to be reorganised. The juxtaposition of complex elements and minimal transformations which is staged, alludes to a universe unknown, bringing forward a dimension of ideological independence to suggests an opposition to the notion of self, identity or authorship.

The focus of the work lays in articulating complex systems, exploiting the phenomena of the physical fluidity of paint substances in contraposition to the liquidity of conceptions that chaotic situations allow to occur.

Hassan’s work is caught within a realm of existential paradoxes, where chaos is assimilated as an endless source of information from where to extract and translate visual experiences that challenge cognition and rigid principles.

The recursive fluid patterns, deconstructed and re-assembled, take the particular into universal and back again; the intention is to re-examine the nature of the Image through a formula that goes beyond the mere appearance of abstraction or mimesis, to arrive at a new self referential system, a field that organises itself to describe particles of an absolute.

The work begins with incidental paint spills which trigger cycles of appropriations, translations and deliverances; these transformations go from digital form to painstaking painting methods, sculptures, 3d renderings, videos, performance or even back around, in an asymptotic evolution.

The central labour of painting stands as a threshold between our time linearity and a dimension of absolute equanimous autonomous ‘other’. Each move a posteriori (ie sculpture or video) represent anchors into our world, opening psychological bridges between the perennial images coming in contact with our mortal political needs, while evidencing a self-sustained ecosystem that lies within. Any cultural elements precariously balance within the images that consume them.

Traces of philosophy, science and poetry intertwine within each work; like suspended moment within a continuum, the proposition is that every possible combination of elementary particles occurs an infinite number of times, given infinite time.